Join us for the Sacred Heart Parish Picnic on Sunday, September 22, at 12 pm at Lincoln Park in Rock Island!.

We will be in the large pavilion on the south side of the park, facing Alleman High School. There is a driveway that leads in from the east side that can be used by anyone who has trouble walking and cannot use the stairs next to the parking lot. This will allow you to pull up right next to the pavilion!

Much like our Porch Parties, we will provide the main course. You are invited to bring a dish to share, and your own beverages. In the spirit of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’, you’re encourage to bring your own non-disposable place settings. If you forget or cannot do this, no problem - we’ll have you covered!

We hope most of the parish can join us for this festive afternoon of food, fun, and fellowship with our parish family. To help us with ordering food, we do ask that you please let us know if you plan on joining us.

Please RSVP below to help us plan for food!